Die DJK Wiking-App bietet Termine und Neuigkeiten aus den Abteilungen des Breitensportvereins im Kölner Norden: Tanzen, Turnen, Trampolin, Basketball, Volleyball, Frisbeesport, Kampfsport, Fitness, Gymnastik, Yoga, Reha- u. Herzsport.
+ Kontakt zur Geschäftsstelle
+ Kontakt zu den Abteilungen
+ Darstellungen der Sportabteilungen
+ Trainingszeiten, weitere Termine
+ Bilder u. aktuelle Infos
The DJK Wiking app offers dates and news from the departments of the popular sports club in the north of Cologne: dancing, gymnastics, trampoline, basketball, volleyball, frisbeesport, martial arts, fitness, gymnastics, yoga, rehabilitation and more. Heart Sports.
Et al
+ Contact the office
+ Contact with the departments
+ Representations of the sports departments
+ Training times, further dates
+ Pictures and breaking news